We are a restoration company based in Berkshire that deals mainly with Victorian and Georgian bay, sash and casement windows. We understand the beauty and prestige of these types of windows whilst also recognising that in many instances they are in a bad and worsening condition leaving them draughty and noisy.
One of the only repair options previously available has been to fill the rot with wood hardener and a ‘easy fill’ filler which is inadequate and leaves the wood susceptible to cracks and decay once the seasons change. The only other option has been to paint over or replace the windows with either like for like wooden ones or even plastic ones which is very expensive and often the timber used is not nearly as good or long lasting as the originals would have been.
We offer an affordable alternative that enables you to have your old windows lovingly brought back to their former glory with minimal impact and using a conservation product used in period and listed buildings nationwide.
As well as eliminating the rot the windows become far more efficient at preventing heat loss whilst enhancing sound reduction.
We use a product called ‘Repair care’ to repair any area affected by decay by first removing the area with specialist tools, then applying the 4 stages or a Repair Care fix. Any original profile on the windows can be reinstated and the finished product is virtually identical to how it was when made. The material bonds permanently to the substrate and flexes with the timber so it will not be able to rot in that same place again, a common issue and so with Repair Care it becomes a very durable repair.
Widely used in Conversation projects across Europe Repair Care is recommended by conservation authorities as it falls in line with their ethos "Repair not Replace".
The finished repair behaves exactly like timber so you can sand, plane, drill into, paint and stain it and it remains as weight bearing as if it were the original timber. Any sections of window or sill that can’t be restored can be replaced and integrated into the window with new spliced timber.
We also replace any glazing, cords and weights if necessary and can re putty the windows using a ‘Repair Care’ putty that will leave your putty flexible and crack free for 20 years and can be painted over within an hour reducing labour costs.
Berkshire Window Restoration Company
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